Tuesday, October 27, 2009


About six weeks ago, since I don't have enough time for my current friends, I thought it would be a brilliant idea to venture onto Meetup.com and expand my already bursting social circle. Meetup.com is actually a very cool site if you're new to an area or trying to make new friends. You can find anything and anyone on there- cooking, wine, girls night, books clubs, sports, etc. 

I was actually very excited to find a group for Desi-mothers in the area. I even suggested activities like a potluck and a book club. The members were very enthusiastic about both ideas. The book I suggested was even selected; Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri. I really enjoyed Interpreter of Maladies, which I read twice in college. I also read The Namesake, which I found to be a little obvious.

And here we are in the present. I have no idea where October went. (I've been saying this for every month since the Bebe arrived and I stopped feeling every nano-second of my pregnancy.) 
The club meets for the first time this week. I'm on page thirteen and showing no signs of finishing. 

I suck at faking it, thus I'm going to look incredibly smart and impressive on Thursday at 7 p.m

1 comment:

  1. Hey I read this book, its all kind of short stories that come together. Engaging but does get a bit tired at times. Good selection for the club for sure though!
